Mental training for golf studentsWhich of the following best describes you?Junior Golf Pro(who just started teaching golf)Experienced Golf ProVeteran Golf ProWhat's the name of the current golf club / course / range where do you offer your services? *(Name of the facility, town, country - only the full answers will be accepted.)How many golf students do you teach in 1 month?20 golfers / month (or less)21-50 golfers / month51-100 golfers / month101-200 golfers / month201-300 golfers / monthmore than 300 golfers / monthHintHow many clients would you like to have monthly?HintWhat do you feel is the biggest obstacle that prevents golfers getting better?Briefly describe your teaching experience. What are you trying to achieve? What are the strongest points of your methods? What can your students get better from you than from your teaching colleagues?How willing and able are you to help your golf students to get more value than "the other Golf Pros"?My students are amazing and it will be easy to offer them extended value as soon as possible. It will probably take some time to convince them to try something new even though it might help them very much. Working with my golf students is tough so it will require a lot of effort to get them into new mindset. What makes you different from the other teaching golf professionals? Why should we choose to work with you?What's your call preference?Facebook CallSkype CallType in your contact details for Facebook or for Skype by which we can contact you.Hint1 out of 10Your full name:Your email address:I agree sending this information to MARIOBEKY.COM for receiving results of this questionnaire and other additional information. Time's up