Focusing in sport to achieve better sport results

Focusing in sport to achieve better sport results Concentration and attention In Sport. Our performance is in divided into two parts. First is our mind performance and the second is the body performance. We cannot separate them because they rely closely on each other. In order to follow up fully with this post we recommend to read previous post in our blog.

We play for getting things done and receiving the trophy or at least the satisfying feeling.

Whether we are amateur players or professionals we always go to the game with some goal or multiple goals. This is the direct link to part 1 about relaxing and concentration –

Before Anything Else You Must Learn To Eliminate

Before anything else you must learn to eliminate what’s standing in your way to the goals. Some would say that it is like existing in own world. You must learn to remove external stirs to be able to focus on primary target. Are you aware of what is and what isn’t necessary for you on the way to your goal?

First of all make sure to understand that your goal is on the highest level. Other’s needs (if this is a highly competitive situation) are not important.

Say to yourself – It is my goal, my practicing, my expectations, my responsibility! Your friends, coach, spouse, club, team, sponsor may be important but not as much as your actual goal. Reject everything that you don’t need to perform that kick, that shot, that hit.

Positive Power

We are talking here about high stakes. It is your life, your passion and your legacy you are building right now.

Positive Power is not a cliché, it is a must!

Some people think that they are positive just their intentions are positive but they utilize phrases with negative background. Positive motivation… at this point you rather start the video on our official YouTube Channel of Top Sport Psychology or explore more on our official Facebook page – Top Sport Psychology.

Focusing in sport to achieve better sport results